
The Working Group Induced Polarization aims at sharing general information, practical experiences, data, literature and measuring devices, at developing standards, reference materials, as well as joint projects. The working group welcomes all individuals, who are interested in IP in frequency and time domain!

german version


  • 11/10/2024 Online fall working group meeting October/November 2024

    The next working group meeting will take place online on 05/11/2024 from 2 pm to approx. 4 pm. The link to the conference room has been sent to members via the AKIP mailing list. All other interested persons are invited to contact the working group spokespersons directly.

  • 15/08/2024 Focus topic IP at the annual conference of the DGG 2025 in Bochum

    On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the working group, the AKIP is organizing one of the focus topics (Schwerpunktthemen) at the annual conference of the DGG 2025 in Bochum. The annual conference will take place from February 24 to 27, 2025.

  • 12/08/2024 Workshop of the IP Community in Germany 2025 in Hanover

    The next workshop of the IP Community in Germany is expected to take place at LIAG in Hanover at the end of May 2025.

  • 30/05/2024 8th International IP Workshop 2026 to be held in Canada

    The 8th International IP Workshop will take place in Montréal, Canada in 2026 and will be organized by Charles Bérubé and his team.

  • 30/05/2024 7th International IP Workshop 2024 in Sweden

    The 7th International IP Workshop took place from May 28 to 30, 2024 in Lund, Sweden. Various topics related to induced polarization were discussed in four focus sessions. Information on the program, the sessions and the contributions can still be found on the workshop homepage (https://internationalipworkshop.com).

  • 07/15/2024 Save the date for the IP Summer School 2025
    From September 22 to 26, 2025, the 2nd IP Summer School of the AKIP will take place at the LIAG facilities in Grubenhagen near Einbeck. All IP-enthusiastic students and doctoral candidates are invited to save this date already now. Program and registration details will be announced here in due time.

  • 03/11/2024 Emil-Wiechert-Medal for Andreas Weller
    At the annual meeting of the DGG in Jena, AKIP member Andreas Weller (TU Clausthal) was honored with the Emil-Wiechert-Medal, which is awarded every 2-3 years for outstanding contributions in the field of geophysics. With this award, the DGG recognizes the groundbreaking work with which Andreas Weller has influenced entire generations of SIP-enthusiastic researchers in Germany and abroad. To the press release of TU Clausthal.

  • 10/06/2023 IP workshop and network meeting in Kassel
    This year’s workshop of the Working Group Induced Polarization took place from 4 to 5 October 2023 in Kassel. A total of 23 participants exchanged views on IP-related topics. On October 6, the workshop was followed by a Young Researchers‘ Day, which focused on networking and a solution-oriented discussion on topics such as equal opportunities in science, the limitation of doctoral positions and reproducibility. We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone who contributed to the success of the IP workshop and the Young Researchers‘ Day with their commitment!

  • 09/08/2023 First IP Summer School from September 4 to 8, 2023 in Grubenhagen
    The first IP Summer School of the AKIP took place from September 4 to 8, 2023 at the LIAG facilities in Grubenhagen near Einbeck. 7 students and doctoral candidates gained a comprehensive insight into the IP topic over 5 days. The AK speakers would like to take this opportunity to thank all speakers, participants and organizers for the success of the event!

  • 10/10/2022 New international women’s network within the IP community
    After the IP workshop in Annecy, an initiative started for a women’s network within the IP community. The founders want to give room for conversation about topics related to being a woman within the IP community, to learn from each other, and strengthen networks. A kick-off meeting took place on October 24, 2022. The network is open to all women from students to professors. If you’re interested to join, please contact Cora Strobel (cora.strobel@uni-tuebingen.de).

  • 30/06/2022 6th International Workshop on Induced Polarization in Annecy
    The International IP Workshop 2022 took place in Annecy, France from June 27 through 30. With 29 talks and 25 poster contributions, a total of 78 participants from 13 countries started an intensive exchange. A group photo and information on the contributions can be found on the workshop website : https://sites.google.com/view/ipworkshop6/home
    Andreas Weller (TU Clausthal) was honored on the occasion of his imminent retirement. The international community acknowledges his pioneering work in the field of induced polarization.


  • Development and maintenance of a (S)IP data base (M. Halisch)
  • The working group logo package can be downloaded here.
  • List of existing IP instruments in Germany (M. Halisch)
  • Publications list including grey literature (T. Radic)
  • Overview of measuring cell systems for laboratory SIP measurements (M. Münch, state of 2006)
  • Development of a reference test network to test measurement devices (M. Münch, S. Kruschwitz, T. Radic, E. Zimmermann)
  • List of accessible and well-known test fields (E. Lück, A. Kemna, A. Weller)
  • Collection of SIP models (N. Klitzsch)
  • Comparison of IP software abilities (A. Kemna)
  • Database of samples with literature references (M. Halisch, A. Weller, E. Niederleithinger)
  • Information on (AK) (S)IP: Wikipedia entry
  • Collaborations with international IP working groups (France, USA, England, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, South Africa)

Literature list including non peer-reviewed literature

A collection of IP related literature up to 2015, including non peer-reviewed literature, is available on Tino Radics website (here).

DGG Colloquium proceedings 2019

During the DGG annual conference 2019 in Braunschweig, the DGG colloquium on Induced Polarization took place. The speakers shed light on practical applications and the current state-of-the art in IP research. Contributions included an introduction to the history and theoretical background of the method (Weller), the application of the method in reactive systems under reservoir conditions (Börner et al.), remediation problems (Flores Orozco et al.), ore exploration (Tauchnitz et al.), archeological applications (Ullrich et al.), as well as biogeophysics (Martin et al.).

The colloquium proceedings of all contributions can be downloaded here.

Special Issues of past International IP Workshops

Since 2004, there has been an intense cooperation of various German research institutions working on induced polarization (IP) and, particularly, on spectral induced polarization (SIP). At this time, there was an enormous demand for a forum to discuss a broad range of topics related to laboratory and field measurements, models, measuring devices, etc. During the DGG annual conference in Berlin (March 8-12, 2004), the SIP user  group was founded. In order to facilitate the cooperation within the group, e.g., by means of a joint website, during a follow-up meeting in October of the same year hosted by the University of Leipzig (Seminar „Hochauflösende Geoelektrik“, Kloster Nimbschen), the SIP user group decided to apply for the status of a DGG working group. Since December 2005, the former SIP user group has become an official working group of the DGG.

Since its foundation, the working group organizes its own workshops and meets during the DGG annual conferences to share and discuss experiences, research results, and new developments. In 2009, the German IP community initiated the international workshop on induced polarization held for the first time in Bonn. From that time on, an international exchange is organized biennially (2009 – Bonn, 2011 – Denver/USA, 2014 – Ile d’Oleron/France, 2016 – Aarhus/Denmark, 2018 – New Jersey/USA).

The working group maintains a news mailing list to inform all interested researchers. This list is used to distribute information on the activities of the working group, calls for open positions, and other news of general interest. The list is being maintained by the speakers of the working group. Individuals, who are interested in becoming part of the list, are kindly asked to contact the speakers.

The speakers represent the interests of the working group vis-á-vis the DGG. The speakers hold contact to the DGG board and inform the DGG general assembly about the activities of the working group, convene meetings and coordinate all other activities of the working group. The working group is chaired by Matthias Halisch and Matthias Bücker since October 2021.